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Matt Ricciardi

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Everything posted by Matt Ricciardi

  1. until
    Learn the basics of how to work with composites in aircraft construction projects.
  2. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is hosting a free webinar on January 23, 2024, regarding composite construction. Details and sign-up link here: https://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=125857
  3. (January 11, 2024) At JMB Aircraft we got some exciting news! During whole January and February 2024 you will notice little hints about new series of aircraft. The big reveal will take place on 1st of March 2024. Stay tuned to our social media. The presentations of new series in 2024 will start in Germany, more specifically Aero Friedrichshafen 2024, where you will find JMB Aircraft booth in exhibition hall B2 (Stand 101). There is a hint in our logo for the new aircraft already, be sure to check out if the logo seems familiar to any letter in Greek alphabet! Stay updated on our latest news by following our social media channels, including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
  4. until
    Phil Lockwood of Lockwood Aviation Supply will provide installation and operation tips on the Rotax 912, 915, and 916 engines.
  5. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is hosting a free webinar on January 22, 2024, regarding installation and operation of Rotax 9-Series engines (i.e., the 912, 915, and 916). Details and sign-up link here: https://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=125856
  6. Listings for a small number of used VL3s, and sometimes new ones where the original sale fell through, are posted on Controller.com and Trade-a-Plane: https://www.controller.com/listings/search?Category=6&Manufacturer=JMB https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=JMB&s-type=aircraft Of course, you'll miss out on the design and factory-assisted building process, both of which I enjoyed, but you do avoid the 18-month wait!
  7. Garmin offers a free PC-based simulator for its GTN-series navigators: https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=12373 The simulator does not, unfortunately, include the G3X Touch display, but I've still found it useful for practicing GTN 650 Xi buttonology. See attached screenshot climbing out of KHEF (Manassas, Virginia) on the ARSNL5 departure.
  8. I'm in the 580s, and JMB told me it would be here in March. I'm skeptical, realistically hoping for April, and likewise pressing for a timing update.
  9. In the most recent "Happy New Year" podcast episode, starting around time index 7:30, JMB mentioned that the first VL3 with a 916iS engine will arrive in the United States on or about January 2nd. They said that was serial number 545. I'm about 40 numbers higher, but presumably most of the intervening planes will stay in Europe. I'll certainly post when I get my own shipping date!
  10. Most VL3s are VFR-only due to European microlight regulations, so I suspect JMB hasn't received many requests for a TOGA button. Good idea though. Rather than putting it on the panel, perhaps use one of the two unassigned buttons on the control stick? In a similar vein, I asked about installing a button to manually enter reversionary (split-screen PFD/MFD) mode in the event that one of the G3X Touch displays fails and the other doesn't automatically detect the failure. Certified G1000 installations have a red reversionary mode button at the bottom of the central audio control panel. See attached photo. JMB didn't seem aware that this was possible with the G3X Touch, so I pointed out the relevant portion of the installation manual. G3X Touch Installation Manual, Section 26.4.6 ("A GDU 4XX can also be manually placed in reversionary mode by wiring Pin 25 to a two pole switch that toggles between open and ground. When the switch is open, the display will operate normally. When the switch is grounded, the display changes to reversionary mode."). Discussion never went anywhere, but maybe worth revising...
  11. I'm in the process of finalizing my own panel layout, so this is helpful and timely. On my panel, the new, smaller electric flap control is currently to the left of the light switches, but I like how you placed it on the lower panel, just above the fuel tank selector. I'll have to inquire about doing the same. That space is empty on my panel now. Just curious, if you're going to stick with the 650, why not un-remote the audio panel and secondary nav/com radio? You can still control them through the G3X Touch, if you want, but gain the option to access physical buttons directly.
  12. (December 22, 2023) We are delighted to share the highlights of JMB’s Aircraft 2023 with all of you! At the Aero Friedrichshafen show in April 2023, we unveiled the pinnacle of the VL3 series featuring the Rotax 916is engine. The distinctive Pixel design, exclusively crafted for the VL3 with 916is by Francois Stelandre, captured the attention of attendees at the exhibition near Switzerland’s borders. The Rotax 916is empowers the VL3, enabling takeoffs in less than 100 meters and achieving a remarkable climb rate of 2700 feet per minute. Prior to the Oshkosh airshow in 2023, JMB pilot Olivier Ronveaux accomplished another significant aviation milestone. He successfully flew over the Atlantic Ocean in his VL3 915is. Making history, Olivier completed the longest journey between Iceland and Canada, spending nearly 10 hours in flight aboard his VL3 aircraft. The successful landing took place at Goose Bay Airport shortly before 7 pm local time. Our new factory at Vysoke Myto airport, Czech Republic (LKVM), covering 2000 square meters, is now operational for the final assembly of VL3 production. Its strategic location at the airport allows for immediate flight testing as the aircraft roll out of the assembly line. Situated in the heart of Europe, the factory ensures rapid deliveries across the continent. Future plans include two additional buildings—one for the final assembly of the Evo, a 4-seater aircraft equipped with the Pratt and Whitney PT6 producing 750hp, and the other for finishing and painting. A noteworthy photoshoot of the VL3 and Evo took place in Oregon, catching the attention of JMB’s social media followers. The blue-designed VL3 in the picture is the same aircraft that crossed the Atlantic with JMB’s factory pilot Olivier Ronveaux. This marked the first time the Evo and VL3 flew side by side. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our customers, dealers, and suppliers. The year 2023 has been successful for JMB Aircraft, and we are excited to present more innovations in 2024! Stay updated on our latest news by following our social media channels, including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
  13. Matt Ricciardi

    Desktop Wallpaper

    VL3 photographs suitable for use as wallpaper on your computer desktop.
  14. Remoting the radios and transponder should be fine. JMB strongly recommends a discrete autopilot control panel, however. That's essentially the panel layout in the factory trainer--dual G3X Touch displays, GTN 750 navigator, and an autopilot control panel. They also squeezed a miniaturized Trig transponder and radio in the center stack at the expense of manual flaps and relocating the light switches. See attached photo from my final training flight. Ultimately a matter of personal preference.
  15. That's correct. The new flaps controller is a small switch about the same size as the light switches. See attached panel drawing. The flap position is shown directly on the G3X Touch display. I'm nevertheless sticking with a GTN 650Xi, too. As you said, plenty of touchscreen real estate on the dual G3X Touch displays, and I'd rather have physical buttons for the audio panel and secondary NAV/COM radio rather than remoting everything.
  16. I don't have any personal experience using an oxygen concentrator in-flight, but I found an Aviation Consumer article on the topic. Like Doug said, you're limited on maximum altitude. Oxygen concentrators can also be bulky and might require rigging a power supply. In short, doable, but some practical considerations.
  17. I do not, but I'd be interested to hear about it, too.
  18. Yep. They can also use high-quality, semi-permanent stickers. Allows you to more easily keep a custom N number when/if you sell the plane down the road.
  19. (November 23, 2023) Experience the view of palm trees from a unique perspective! 🌴 Attend our demo days in Florida, Plant City (KPCM) from 8th-9th December and take the opportunity to personally test the JMB Aircraft VL3 ✈️. Connect with our Florida dealership via sales@jmbaircraft.com or conveniently fill out the contact form on our website ➡️ www.jmbaircraft.com. Or contact our exclusive dealer Lukas on: +1 (813) 453-2770 Please respect no walk-in policy. Get you slot in advance. Stay updated on our latest news by following our social media channels, including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
  20. (November 18, 2023) At JMB Aircraft, we welcome our valued customers, dedicated dealers, and passionate aviation enthusiasts every day. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce you our exciting podcast, featuring real-life aviators and their stories, offering a fascinating glimpse into the world of aviation. We’ve embarked on a captivating podcast journey, featuring a diverse array of guests, including our valued existing customers, potential clients, and seasoned aviators. Every 2 weeks, we unveil a fresh episode on YouTube, and our engaging content is also available on platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube Premium. Our mission is to deliver the latest aviation news, share unique aviation experiences, and provide an insightful glimpse into the world of aviation for our audience. Stay updated on our latest news by following our social media channels, including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
  21. Thanks to @Axel Bense for taking time to meet up and show me his beautiful VL3 on my way back from Savannah yesterday! Can't help but be a bit jealous as a I wait another 4-5 months for mine. Shall we call it the first VL3Flyers fly-in? Hopefully more to follow as more of us receive our planes. If anyone is in the DC area, please don't hesitate to reach out. Would be delighted to meet (and offer some tips for navigating the very "special" DC airspace).
  22. JMB just released the first episode of its new aviation podcast featuring yours truly as the special guest: And, no, I did not buy a VL3 (only) to get $100 hamburgers. "We needed a clickbait title," they said.
  23. Interesting chart from tonight's America Bonanza Society safety presentation regarding use of supplemental oxygen. In short, most people will see oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels below 90% and associated hypoxia symptoms lower and sooner than the FAR 91.211 oxygen requirements might suggest. Important to keep in mind since the VL3 loves cruising at relatively high altitudes into the teens. The full presentation is available here. No membership required.
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